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Sven Kranz

Sven studies regulation of physiological processes of phytoplankton during environmental change at Florida State University



Martin Jonikas

Martin focuses on molecular mechanisms of efficient photosynthesis.  In addition to developing transformative tools enabling hight throughput studies of gene function in Chlamydomas, he also is deciphering carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM).CCM allows algae to utilize carbon dioxide more efficiently than C3 crop plants.


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Kevin Redding

Kevin's passion is PSI.  He has studied structure and function of protein-cofactor interactions in order to engineer electron transfer.  Additionally, he researches photosynthetic processes in the most primitive organism in order to gain deeper understanding of molecular machinery to aid his design of funneling reductive equivalents into hydrogen production.


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Nancy Kiang 

Nancy researches the role of photosynthesis to life on a global scale.  As a NASA scientist, her work includes theoretical studies on the thermodynamic efficiency of photon energy use as well as simulating vegetation dynamics coupled to atmospheric general circulation models. (GCMs).  She has also utilized spectral characteristics of photosynthetic pigments and gaseous products as "biosignatures" that can be detected by space telescopes.



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